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Rockets are part of the very important and exciting technological advances of the modern world.             Rockets are often linked to satellites because rockets are always used to lift or transport the satellites to the space.
    The Chinese are believed to have invented the first rockets which they used as devastating weapons of war. The are described as “ arrows of flying fire” by historians.

   A rocket is an engine or instrument that produces a grat power, more power for its size than any other kind of engine.
   A model rockets consists of the seven basic components:
a          The body tube
         The launch lug
          The fins
         The engine holder
e            The rocket engine
f)            The nose cone
          The recovery device
h         A launch system or pad to get the rocket into the air.

1.       The body tube : this is a hallow cylinder to which all the other parts are attached.

2.       The launch lug : this is a narrow tube fastened to the side of the body tube. The launch lug guides he rocket and keeps it vertical during lift off.

3.       The fins : these are attached to the bottom part of the body tube just as fins are attached to a fish. They help the rockets to travel straight during flight.

4.       The engine holder or engine mount : is a ring cemented inside the bottom of the body tube of the rocket. It is constructed in such a way that the rocket engine fits into the engine holder.

5.       Yhe rocket engine: is usually in the form of a tube and contains the solid fuel or propellant.

6.       The nose corn forms the top of a model rocket. Its tip has a rounded point that reduces the air resistance.

7.       The recovery device: is a wired to return the rocket slowly to the ground after it has reached its highest point or maximum altitude called apogee. One such device is a parachute behind the nose cone.

8.       The launch system: this consists of a launch pad and an engine ignition system with a battery.

1.       Rockets carries astronauts to space to study the environment and the moon.
2.       Rocket carries robotic probes (i.e specialized equipment) to study othe planets
3.       Rocket carries artificial satellites such as weather, earth, communication, scientific and astronomical satellites
4.       With rockets, portable laboratories can be carried to the space to carry out some scientific researches which are impossible on earth surface.

1.       Rockets are used for the following purposes below
2.       High speed transportation
3.       Military use
4.       Scientific research
5.       Some experiments which are not possibleo n the earth due to gravity and inadequate vacuum are now possible in space.


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